FAQ Recruitment Questions


Why is Insurtech important for the future of insurance?

Insurtech is crucial for the future of insurance because it enables the industry to keep pace with digital transformation, meet changing customer expectations, improve efficiency, and innovate new products and services.

DiSRUPT Recruitment Services Reading UK

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Frequently asked questions

Got a question? We have the answers to a huge range of tantalising and exciting questions about recruitment, sustainability, being a B-corp, joining planet mark and how to become a more inclusive and diverse workplace. If its not there then just ask, we are here to help.

All Ink-lusive FAQs

How do you chose the B1G1 projects you are going to impact?
Recruitment Agency

A wonderful question and we will always be directed by you. If you have a cause close to your heart or if there are specific UN Sustainable Development Goals that particularly resonate with your business, then that will be the basis for which projects we select and support on your behalf.

We already have an account with Ecologi – are you able to gift trees to our forest instead?
Recruitment Agency

We would absolutely love to. All we would need from you is the link to your Ecologi Forest and we shall gift 144 trees for every placement made.

How many trees to you plant for each candidate you place?
Ethical Recruitment

We plant 144 trees for every candidate we place. That’s 12 trees every month for the first year of their employment with you though our partnership with Ecologi.

Can you recommend partners that can support our business to become a more inclusive and mentally healthy workplace?
Project Recruitment
Ethical Recruitment

We certainly can and you will have access to the most incredible Includability Ambassador and Official Partner network you can imagine, all experts within their chosen fields. You can of course reach out to them directly or we would be delighted to make an official introduction, whichever is most comfortable for you. If there are any struggles as to where to begin then we are always your to jump on for a virtual cuppa.

How can I build my knowledge and empower my team as an Includability Committed Employer?
Project Recruitment
Ethical Recruitment

This is where it gets so incredibly exciting and we would absolutely love you and your team to take full and complete advantage of the Includability Community – it was created to give you all the tools you need to create an exceptional workplace culture. Empowerment comes from continual learning so we give you all the access you need to great resources, amazing member benefits, free discovery calls, round table events and webinars, lunch-time drop in sessions, discounted workshops, training, audits and consultancy services, and to an utterly incredible community to network with and share best practice.

Our Includability Official Partners and Ambassadors are there to support with anything you should need to enrich your inclusive workplace culture, whilst our free monthly Employer Support Groups provide you and your whole team with inspirational Guest Speakers to engage and empower. If there is anything you need that you feel the community cannot yet provide then please don’t hesitate to get in touch – hello@includability.co.uk – so that we can work together 😊

How long does the Verification Process take to become an Includability Committed Employer?
Project Recruitment
Ethical Recruitment

Great question and the timeline to complete the Verification Process is really based around your availability and what works best for you. You will be engaging with six Verification Partners over six separate zoom calls, lasting anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, and of course there will be occasions where you might wish to have other members of your team present during those conversations. We have supported companies who have completed the Verification Process within two weeks whilst others might take a little longer based around matching up diaries and availability. To give you the time you need, we allow up to six months from completion of the Company Commitment Survey to achieving Includability Committed Employer status.  If you need just a little more time beyond that then we’re always there to support.

How will becoming an Includability Committed Employer benefit my business?
Project Recruitment
Ethical Recruitment

The process of becoming an Includability Committed Employer is designed to celebrate all the amazing things you are currently doing across your business whilst helping identify the areas where you need the most support. The Includability Crew will be there to hold your hand all the way through, enabling you to build knowledge, all within a psychologically safe space. As an Includability Committed Employer, you will gain access to great resources, amazing member benefits, free discovery calls, round table events and webinars, lunch-time drop in sessions, discounted workshops, training, audits and consultancy services, and to an utterly incredible community to network with and share best practice.

Our Includability Official Partners and Ambassadors are there to support with anything you should need to enrich your inclusive workplace culture, whilst our free monthly Employer Support Groups provide you and your whole team with inspirational Guest Speakers to engage and empower.

What does it mean to become an Includability Committed Employer?
Project Recruitment
Ethical Recruitment

Includability Committed Employers are companies (of any size) that have progressed through a Verification Process to show their commitment towards creating an inclusive and mentally healthy workplace culture, and subsequently awarded the Includability Standard. You will be supported throughout by our expert industry leading Verification Partners to help you on your path to creating an inclusive workplace and retaining your talent more effectively and economically.

We already produce an Impact Report of our own. How can we add your data?
Recruitment Agency

That is absolutely brilliant and shows the world that you are already celebrating the amazing things you do. If you would like us to, we can simply send across the raw data of the impacts we have created together in partnership throughout the year. That way you can embed into your Impact Report in whichever way you should wish to.

What is Ecologi?
Ethical Recruitment

Ecologi is a platform that facilitates the funding of climate projects and tree planting projects around the world, allowing individuals and businesses to contribute to real climate action.

What is B1G1?
Ethical Recruitment

B1G1 is a global giving business movement that enables organisations to positively impact lives everyday. You will gain access to hundreds of high-impact projects that help you contribute easily to the things you care most about. These projects are closely aligned with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and can help offset carbon emissions or create specific impacts across many causes around the world.

Is there a benefit to holding a sustainability certification?
Ethical Recruitment

Absolutely - a recognised sustainability certification provides your businesses with a competitive advantage and help build improve your brand image. It also helps to attract and retain talent as more employees are actively seeking organisations who are ethically responsible. Combined, the benefits of holding a sustainability certification improves your business’ triple bottom line covering profit, people, and the planet.

How can I measure the Social Value of my business?
Ethical Recruitment
Planet Mark

Measuring your social value will really help to support your environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria – something which is critical to long-term competitive success. The brilliant team at Planet Mark can help you to measure your social value contributions alongside your carbon measurement and help build your full sustainability story.

What is Social Value?
Ethical Recruitment

Social value is the net social and environmental benefits generated by your business to society through its corporate and community activities.

How do we begin our Net Zero journey?
Ethical Recruitment
Planet Mark

For this we would always recommend our friends at Planet Mark - their Net Zero Programme will demystify the subject of net zero carbon emissions and will support your business to reach it. No matter what stage in your net zero journey you are on, from committing to a target to creating the action plan needed to get there, they will support you all the way. Their Net Zero Programme is aligned with the SBTi’s Net-Zero Corporate Standard so you can be assured that you are meeting credible and robust targets that are internationally recognised.

How do I know what SDG’s align with my business?
Ethical Recruitment

A fantastic question and with just a little research you will definitely be able to build your understanding as to which Goals most align with your organisation. We would always recommend you join B1G1 as the most interactive way to engage with the SDGs on a daily basis. You also have Prosperah who, through enhanced stakeholder consultation, will identify and set key SDGs to create a Purpose Book for your business.

What is Planet Mark?
Ethical Recruitment
Planet Mark

Planet Mark is a sustainability certification for every type of organisation, measuring your carbon and social data so you can publicly report your progress with confidence and authority. On average, Planet Mark certified businesses make a 24% cut in absolute carbon emissions per year, 17% carbon saving per employee per year through reductions in energy, waste, water, travel and procurement.

What is a Decade of Action?
Ethical Recruitment

In a bid to accelerate sustainable solutions to all the world’s biggest challenges, the Secretary General of the United Nations called on all sectors of society in 2019 to mobilise and deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, through a decade of ambitious action. The focus was laid out on three levels:

  • Global Action by aiming to lead in terms of policy and providing the resources to do so.
  • Local Action which will see policies enacted by organisation such as governments and local authorities.
  • People Action which focuses on the ground level choices and decisions the public makes individually.
So what is the difference between carbon neutral and net zero?
Ethical Recruitment

Carbon-neutral means purchasing carbon reduction credits equivalent to emissions released, without the need for emissions reductions to have taken place. Net zero means reducing emissions in line with latest climate science, and balancing remaining residual emissions through carbon removal credits.

What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

These are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which set out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals. These are as follows:

  • Goal 1: No Poverty - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 2: Zero Hunger - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 3: Good Health & Wellbeing - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Goal 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all  
  • Goal 5: Gender Equality - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 6: Clean Water & Sanitation - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all  
  • Goal 7: Affordable & Clean Energy - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all  
  • Goal 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all  
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities - Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption & Production - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 13: Climate Action - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Goal 14: Life Below Water - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Goal 15: Life On Land - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
  • Goal 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels  
  • Goal 17: Partnerships For The Goals - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
What is Net Zero?
Ethical Recruitment

This means achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed. True Net Zero is therefore about reducing emissions to a minimum and balancing anything we do emit by removing carbon from the atmosphere using carbon sinks or carbon storage technology.

How do I certify as being Carbon Neutral?
Ethical Recruitment

PAS 2060 is the specification by the British Standards Institution that details how to demonstrate carbon neutrality. Out lovely friends at Planet Mark will be able to support you through this process brilliantly.

What is Carbon Neutral?
Ethical Recruitment

Being carbon neutral relates to the balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon. To therefore achieve carbon neutral status, your company has to create a carbon reduction plan, measuring and reducing operational carbon, the purchase golden standard offsets equivalent to your carbon footprint.

What is carbon offsetting?
Ethical Recruitment

This allows you to invest in local and international environmental projects that balance your carbon footprint, either individual or as a business.

What are Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
Ethical Recruitment

Greenhouse gas emissions are broken down into three categories to help us understand where they came from:

  • Scope 1 includes the direct emissions from the activities of company owned resources
  • Scope 2 includes the indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy from a utility provider
  • Scope 3 includes all the indirect emissions not included in Scope 2 that occurs in a company’s value chain
What is a carbon footprint?
Ethical Recruitment

This is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, group, community or organisation.

What does it mean to be a purpose led business?
Ethical Recruitment

Your company’s purpose is bigger than its product or service and is shaped by the desire to positively impact the planet and society.

Why is it called On-Demand and not retained?
Recruitment Agency

Quite simply because it’s there when you need it. If that’s just once a year then great and if it’s once a month then brilliant. Regardless of when you need to recruit, we are there for you.

What if you aren’t happy mid-way through the contract?
Recruitment Agency

It’s not you it’s us (or is it?). We really hope that it wouldn’t get to the point where one of us would want to cancel a contract. But, for peace of mind, we completely understand that there may be an occasion that something just isn’t working and despite the best efforts from both parties things just don’t improve. In that instance, we work out solution and a handover plan, wish each other the best for the future and we move on. No bad feelings, no animosity and no stitch ups. This obviously works both ways – every contract we enter into is based on a true partnership and as much as you will have expectations of us, we will have of you. A partnership of one just isn’t fun for anyone!

Can we help you write job descriptions?
Recruitment Agency

Hell yeah! Any assistance you may require in writing a new job description, we’re down for that.

Isn’t recruitment easy though?
Recruitment Agency
General FAQs

Hmmm, it’s definitely not rocket science but there is a science to it. Ok, we’ll give you the secret recipe (but don’t tell everyone please). It’s a fine mix of bloody hard work, lots of experience, market leading systems, investment in training, treating candidates well, having great communication skills, understanding what is actually required, being able to constructively challenge and/or advise if necessary, creative thinking, making a great first impression and representing you in the right way, managing the whole recruitment process (interview preparation, feedback, organising the offer, keeping in touch during the notice period, contributing to the onboarding process), having a large amount of persistence and probably a few things that we just do but don’t even know it! So actually, recruitment is an art in it’s own right. And we couldn’t be more proud to be recruiters with sound ethics and we love it.

Who is Disrupt On-Demand not perfect for?
Recruitment Agency

Think companies that expect you to upload CV’s to a portal with no real conversation about what they are looking for, don’t offer CV feedback or even worse, no interview feedback at all – we’re sure that’s not you (that’s why you are on our website, right!). Basically, if you want to spread the recruitment love by using lots of agencies or feel that building a partnership is too time consuming and not worth it or perhaps want absolutely everything for the lowest possible fee, then we probably aren’t a recruitment match (insert sad face here). That’s not us being Disruptive, it’s sticking to our values and valuing what we do.

Who is Disrupt On-Demand perfect for?
Recruitment Agency

Whilst we predominantly partner with SME’s, Start-Ups and Scale-Ups, essentially we are very happy to work with any company that shares our values, is purpose driven and cares about doing the right thing. We will never flex on our company values for the sake of a few extra pounds. We absolutely love being trail blazers, working in an agile manner and coming up with innovative new ways of working.

What is the difference between Disrupt RPO and Disrupt On-Demand?
Recruitment Agency

There are a few things that differ; with Disrupt RPO you get an onsite Disruptor (Account Manager) as often as you require, you get a fully branded Careers Site, access to your own Applicant Tracking System (ATS), bespoke Management Information Reporting, access to Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability, Wellbeing and Mental Health services, Minimum of 20 Vacancies per year (12 month period)

Why is there a maximum of 19 vacancies for Disrupt On-Demand?
Recruitment Agency

As Disrupt Agency, we have three main products; RPO, On-Demand and Project. If you believe you will recruit more than 19 new hires in a 12 month period, we would discuss Disrupt RPO with you.

What is Includability?
Recruitment Agency
Ethical Recruitment

Includability is the standard for companies committed to creating an inclusive and mentally healthy workplace culture. See our guide to Includability Here

If we use other agencies, could still use Disrupt On-Demand?
Recruitment Agency

We are open to having a chat with you, we’re an open-minded bunch. We appreciate that you may have existing relationships in place for certain areas of your business and therefore don’t want that to change, we’re cool with that. The beauty of On-Demand is that we can scope out the areas of the business you would like us to support you with and take it from there.

Why do we only work on an exclusive basis?
Recruitment Agency

Glad you asked! We value what we do and we put time, effort and expertise into every vacancy we recruit. In order to carry out an inclusive and thorough recruitment campaign - by building a strong partnership and having the time to do things properly, ultimately you end up with the best selection of candidates to interview. However, It goes way beyond just the recruitment though, we aim to add value in other ways and that means that we invest both financially and time to give you more.

How long do we have exclusivity on each vacancy for?
Recruitment Agency

We would require a minimum of 3 weeks of exclusivity for every vacancy (from sign off of the requisition form)

What is the benefit of choosing Disrupt On-Demand Recruitment?
Recruitment Agency

Well, you can be safe in the knowledge that terms have been pre-agreed, we will spend time getting to know you and your business which certainly helps the recruitment process, you get a branded careers site (worth £995 per year), a dedicated Disruptor (Account Manager), help with creating job descriptions, Includability Membership (Worth £1,495 per year), you can recruit anything between 1 vacancy up to 19 vacancies in a 12 month period, you benefit from extended Rebate Terms, you can split the payment of the invoices (TBA prior to signing contract)

How long is the Disrupt On-Demand contract for?
Recruitment Agency

You can choose from 12, 24 or 36 months.

Why is there a monthly for Disrupt On-Demand Recruitment?
Recruitment Agency

Great question! It shows a level of commitment towards our partnership and contributes towards your Branded Careers Site, Applicant Tracking System and your Includability Membership

Is there a monthly fee for Disrupt On-Demand Recruitment?
Recruitment Agency

There is a small monthly fee of £99.

What is Disrupt On-Demand Recruitment?
Recruitment Agency

Disrupt On-Demand Recruitment is essentially our equivalent of an exclusive agreement to recruit your vacancies or what is typically know as a retained service.

What are the payment terms?
Recruitment Agency

As much as we would love to do all of this for free, unfortunately we would require payment within 30 days of the candidate’s start date

Can you still work with other agencies if you sign a contract with Disrupt RPO?
Recruitment Agency

Fingers crossed you wouldn’t need to – that’s why we’re here.

During the scoping call we will discuss your existing relationships with agencies and will make contact with the ones you would like us to partner with.  

Our main remit is to fill your vacancies within the agreed SLA’s and there may well be times that finding candidates is proving problematic. In such instances, we would call upon the support suppliers to supply additional candidates.

The beauty of this is that we maintain all contact with supplier agencies, your hiring managers don’t get bombarded and you only have one invoicing contact!

Do we have specialist Job Boards available to attract talent to your business?
Recruitment Agency

Absolutely!! We subscribe to all of the major Job Boards, LinkedIn and our very own Job Board, Includability.

If there is a specific Job Board that you would like to subscribe to, no problem. Just let us know during the scoping call and we will do the rest.

Do you only work with B-Corps, SME’s, Start-Ups and Scale-Ups?
Recruitment Agency

Having spent so long in recruitment, we have grown to understand where we can add the most value, where we can build the best relationships and importantly, have the most amount of impact.  

We also love working with businesses where things change quickly, where we can help solve problems and where we’re not just working with an ATS to upload a CV waiting for an automated message with updates!

Being an SME ourselves, we have ‘real-life’ experience of good times, bad times, Pandemic times and most other times that there are…. And we wouldn’t change it for the world

What happens if we are not happy with Disrupt RPO once we have ‘gone live’ ?
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Ouch! Whilst we sincerely hope this doesn’t happen, we would of course want to fully understand what isn’t quite working and in the first instance do our very best to rectify the problems. That said, we know that some things just don’t work out and we would be sure to work out a situation where we offer a handover period and look to terminate your contract.

What are the minimum contract length for an RPO?
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RPO’s are like fine wines…. They get better with age! So the minimum contract length is 12 months.

It takes time and effort to implement an RPO correctly which is why we ask for a commitment of 12 months.

What makes Disrupt RPO different to other RPO’s?
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At the heart of what we do it’s the same thing – recruit new people into your business.

BUT....At DiSRUPT we have broken the system and redesigned our recruitment agency from the ground up by taking only the very best bits of modern recruitment and technology and coupling it with access to leading organisations in D&I, Mental Health, Sustainability, Wellbeing and Leadership and Governance.

On top of the Recruitment side, you will receive access to a huge range of benefits for your business all delivered by our team of inclusive workforce experts

  1. Diversity & Inclusion Support (Strategy Review, Assessments, Workshops)
  1. Wellbeing Support (Strategy Review, Assessments, Workshops)
  1. Every new hire is put through Mental Health First Aid Training
  1. Includability Membership
  1. Fully Branded Applicant Tracking System  
  1. Dedicated Disruptor (Account Manager in non-Disrupt speak) who can be on-site as often as required
  1. Mini Social Impact report (Produces Annually)

How we wrap our tentacles around you

DiSRUPT On-Demand
DiSRUPT Project

Used by some of the world's most amazing companies

Planet Mark

Looking to become a Planet Mark Certified business?

When you choose any of our recruitment options we can offer a range of advice and help to guide you on how to gain a competitive advantage with your business

Visit our Planet Mark Guide

Disrupt-EllisKnight Recruitment UK world map b1g1


Want to go through the process of becoming B-Corp Certified?

Becoming a B-Corp is rightly a challenge and there can be roadblocks throughout the process as you provide evidence of be a business for good. That's why we offer all our clients our expert advice on how to achieve B-Corp Status

Visit our B-Corp Guide

DiSRUPT Recruitment Services Reading UK